Is Insurance Necessary for Indemnity in India?
Thursday, 04 Apr 2024 00:00 am


A more restricted view of insurance contracts is provided by the Indian Contract Act, which stipulates indemnification under section 124. Only losses incurred by the indemnified as a result of fault—whether the indemnitor's own or a third party's—give rise to indemnification contracts. It does not distinguish between losses resulting from human behavior and any other kind of loss. Consequently, under the Indian Contract Act, a contract for reimbursement of loss resulting from a natural disaster, such as a fire, is not an indemnity.1872 since human misbehavior is not the cause of this kind of damage. As a result, the court rules that these insurance contracts cannot be handled under the rights and obligations outlined in indemnity and must instead be handled by other laws like the Insurance Act of 1938. As a result, insurance contracts are exempt from the Indian Contract Act's provisions regarding indemnity contracts. Because maritime incidents are thought to originate from non-human agencies, maritime insurance is used to handle them rather than indemnification.

In the case of Gajanan Moreshwar Parelkar vs. Moreshwar Madan Mantri, the High Court (J. Chagla) affirmed that the term "this definition covers indemnity for loss caused by human agency only." It does not handle cases in which the indemnity results from liabilities incurred by actions taken by the indemnified at the indemnifier's request, or from losses brought on by events or accidents that may or may not be dependent on the indemnitor or any other person's behavior.

The case of [2]United India Insurance Co. vs. M/s. Aman Singh Munshilal demonstrated the same fundamental principles. Delivery to the consigner was specified in the cover note. Additionally, the commodities needed to be transported to the destination after being stored in a godown along route. The products were damaged by fire while they were in the godown. It was decided that the products had been destroyed in transit, and the insurance contract held the insurer accountable. Based on the aforementioned instance, even though the accident happened during transit, the person delivering the products was not asked to reimburse the plaintiff for any losses. Since the fire was caused by a natural occurrence rather than human behavior, the insurance contract that covered the products was the appropriate legal remedy rather than the indemnification clause found in the Indian Contract Act of 1872.

On the other hand, the Law Commission of India recommended in its 13th report on the Indian Contract Act, 1872 that the definition of indemnity be broadened to cover insurance contracts as well, since both types of contracts have the same basic purpose of compensating for the loss of another. It was suggested that cases that occurred for natural causes as well as human behavior should be included by the indemnity hold.

One could argue that the Indian judiciary has always interpreted the law more broadly, particularly when it comes to issues of fundamental rights, because the public good is its primary concern. India has always had just and equitable legal systems. It is not discriminatory to punish defaulters more severely in order to satisfy resentful parties. Laws only penalize according to the degree of wrongdoing. Indian laws are mostly social welfare laws that were created to raise the post-colonial living standards of Indians and to provide them with laws that respect the morality and integrity of Indian society while also for the benefit of the society as a whole.

According to this clause, an indemnity holder may only request damages from the indemnifier up to the agreed-upon amount specified in the indemnification contract. This implies that the indemnitor's obligation will be limited to the amount he has expressly or implicitly committed to assume in the contract. This indicates that there is a substantial amount of previous information in an indemnity contract regarding the potential consequences and damages that a promisee may experience. Acknowledging this, the promisor also agrees to accept responsibility for any losses. According to Indian Contract Act, 1872, Section 124, the promisor is only required to compensate the indemnity holder for losses incurred by the latter as a result of the former's or any other third party's actions. Because of this, the potential damages are clearly specified, and the indemnitor cannot be held accountable for any actions that do not fall within this scope. The court will not order the promisor to pay additional amounts if the indemnity-holder attempts to collect indemnity from them for actions that exceed the losses that the indemnitor committed to cover.In conclusion, the indemnitor will only be responsible for damages that he has consented to or losses resulting from his own or a third party's misbehavior. There must be a connection between the indemnitor's or the third party's actions and the actual damage incurred. The idea of remoteness of damages arises, which states that the indemnity-holder cannot hold the indemnifier liable for a remote loss that has no connection to the indemnity contract.